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tick, tick... SCHLOP!

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 10:23 am
by Shnoodles
Hey you theater nerds,

Tick Tick Schlop is opening today in select theaters and then comes out next week in select beds! I heard Gulliver is pretty excited about it since it was directed by Lin. I am still a bit confuzzed on what it is about but am looking forward to finding out next week!

Snuggle friend

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 1:48 pm
by Nibs
How exciting! We bears all watched Tick Tick Schlop at the same time last night!

We haven't yet heard the analysis of what each bear thought, but initial impressions seem positive.

I was intrigued by this one scene where a roommate is sleeping in a hallway with what looked like a stuffie. But upon further exploration, it appears they are sleeping with a Glo Worm, which is a toy Lee had in her childhood too but isn't as soft as a stuffie and is kind of hard and plastic but it does light up.


You can read more about them here:

I think that's as close as we're gonna get to a stuffie in this film!