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The Schlop Game?!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:44 pm
by Shnoodles
Oh dear - this is highly irregular!

Usually I start out each thread by welcoming all the bears who are fans of the show, and also giving some background so bears who don't know the show can learn about it and maybe decide to join in watching. But all of a sudden a new show has appeared which not only have I never heard of - but no bears seem to know what it is even about! And somehow this mystery show jumped the queue before all the other Bear Council suggestions that had been carefully curated and ranked. How did this even happen?!

All I have to go on so far is that it appears to be some sort of game - but does that mean it is like the Hunger Schlops or is it more of a cerebral game like the Schlop's Gambit? And it appears to involve sea creatures - but does this mean intelligent ones like My Schloptopus Friend or magical ones like The Schlop of Water?

Oh dear - this is highly unsettling - mere anarchy is loosed upon the Schlop forums!

Oh me Oh my

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:51 pm
by Shnoodles
Hey you ultraviolence fans,

Well it turned out the Schlop Game was quite a harrowing show similar to the Hunger Schlops but with a much higher body count. I heard Peaches was cowering under the covers - but surprisingly Nibs was really digging the show and is eager to watch more. I never knew that side of Nibs before - hopefully he doesn't try to kidnap us bears and make us play a series of games to the death!

Lee also had an amazing easter egg discovery when she noticed the 3 symbols on the business card (circle, triangle, and square) also make up the 3 shapes on the squid game that the children play. What does this all mean? Frankly I haven't a clue.

Apparently Nibs is gung-ho to keep watching The Schlop Game but is planning on bailing on Infinity Schlops (not enough brutal killings I guess)

Schlop game finished

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:47 am
by Shnoodles
Hey you Secret Inspectors Royales with cheese,

Well, after a long grueling campaign us bears have finally finished watched The Schlop Game. I think a lot of bears wanted to stop watching but felt compelled to finish what we had started. Overall I was left quite confuzzed - there was a surprise reveal in the last episode but it didn't seem to make much sense. Lee and Nibs as usual used their Holmesian deduction abilities to predict what the last game would be well before it happened - very impressive!

Hopefully the next bear show will be more carefully vetted.