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Bad Astra

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:16 pm
by PB
Yo, I heard this movie was soooo bad...


Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:17 pm
by Duddles
How bad was it?

We miss Murph

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:03 am
by Nibs
Oh dear, oh my.

Sorry to cause a commotion about this film. So embarrassed!

I just... well I... I mean... it was so strange... and not very good... but funny if you extract it out... and well, I just.... wanted to make a few jokes... is all....

Hopefully bears don't mind a few potential spoilers but not about any major plot points....

Which of the following happened in Bad Astra?
* Mad Max style car chase on the moon
* Rabid monkey kills entire spaceship
* Knife fight in zero gravity airlock chamber
* An astronaut swims through an underwater lake on Mars
* An astronaut climbs a rocket as its taking off, Mission Impossible-style
* An astronaut surfs through the rings of Neptune Legolas-style on a piece of space-debris

Anysneech... I know that list makes it sound potentially exciting, if any of those things happened, but it was truly very very boring and Lee and I decided to nap through the ending and had no regrets about it.

Best nap since we slept through Sleep No More.

Two paws down! Hard pass on Bad Astra!

Space monkey mafia

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:55 am
by PB
Whoa - that movie has all that? Sounds more like... rad Astra!

Maybe we need to designate a new bear film critic - since Nibs obviously doesn't appreciate quality cinema

I nominate DJ.