Books Lee and Gulliver read

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Books Lee and Gulliver read

Post by lee »

Hey Gully,

Hullo! I hope you're having a fuzzy weekend!

I'm not sure... well.. how to say... it's ok if you don't want to... and there's lotsa other books so... but um.. well....

Would you have any interest in reading this book with me? It's YA and about Egypt and I liked the Lightning Thief and well... not sure if that sounds good and if not that's fine.... but let me know? ... 1423113454
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Books on a rainy day

Post by lee »

Hi Gulliver,

Today I started reading The Red Pyramid. It's pretty easy to read so I got to about page 90. So far it is mostly building things up but I am excited to get into more of the action.

I heard that you nap-read Hidden Figures. Maybe that means you'll have room to read this book before Sneechmas!

I forget, do you have it as an audio book or a physical library book?

Fuzzy hugs to you!
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Post by Gulliver »


Lee and I are reading a book called Bob.

Not to be confused with the turtle called Bob, although both Bobs are green.

Bob lived in a closet for many years and he thought Livy had forgotten about him. There is a lot I can relate to with Bob.

So far we have read 4 chapters.

I hope Livy can find Bob's family.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

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Artemis Schlop spotted

Post by Nibs »

Word on the street is that Dave went to an AUTHOR TALK last night and saw Artemis Schlop and a cool tubby DJ like fellow and a talented artist who drew!

And word on the street is also that Lee and Gulliver might read this as their next book together.

(The last one was Bob who turned out to be a well dweller.)

Anysneech, kudos to Dave for going to this cool author talk and getting the scoop on this cool new book!

Hip hip fuzzah!
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Eoin & Gully

Post by Gulliver »

Hi Nibs.

It is true - I went to an author talk last night just like how you are always meeting authors. Unfortunately I didn't get to take my picture with Eoin and Andy and Giovanni - like how you did with Lemony Snickets. I also didn't get to confront the author over a table like Lee famously did with Susanna Clarke. I also didn't get an autograph like Lee did with Naomi Novik. Oh well.

It sounds like a pretty cool book Lee and I are gonna read. I also am interesting in reading other works by Eoin in the future including Artemis Schlop and perhaps one called Supernaturalist which is film-noir plus cyber-punk.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

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Now we've got bad fuzz

Post by Gulliver »


Lee and I read the book Bad Fuzz.

Well to be honest I listened to the audiobook. Lee read it while traveling with Nibs to Nibs Zealand.

It was the story about how Elizabeth claimed she could test for Bear Pox with just a speck of fuzz when in reality she was just flipping a coin.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

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Bob and friends

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Bob won an award and the co-author Wendy brought out a bunch of fuzzy friends to celebrate, including both Owly and Knuffle Bunny and a fox for Duddles. ...
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

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Fellowschlop of the Rings

Post by Gulliver »


Lee has been reading to us each night tales from the Fellowship of the Schlops. She first was reading to us in person but now has been reading to us via the internet each night. It is just like a book on tape except it is live and read by Lee.

So far the Schlobbits are usually pretty sleepy, and last night they took naps next to a willow tree.

We also heard a poem about Goldberry that Stephen Colbert also recited the other day.

Lee is the best at reading from the Lord of the Schlops.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

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Post by Duddles »

Hoo Hoo.

Snuffles brought home this book and Gulliver said he would read it to me, and Schlop is also going to read it and it is also Ash's favorite book and I hope it is not too scary for me hoo hoo


Where's Petri?
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Aha Aho

Post by Gulliver »

Yesterday Lee read us The Snuffalo's Child. Lee is one of the best Snuffalo readers in the world, probably second only to Ash who is able to recite the book from memory while tucked.

Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

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Post by Gulliver »


Lee and I started reading Schlopanesi together which is the newest book by Susanna Clarke.

It is about a person exploring a large house with lots of statues. Lee and I spent some time discussing the big mystery of if there any blankets and where the person sleeps. There was also a broken finger from a statue that Lee thinks could be quite significant.

Post your theories here about what is going on in Schlopanesi.

Up next we will read The Schlopless Sea but for now we are reading Schlopanesi.

Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

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Schlopanesi finished

Post by Gulliver »


Lee and I finished reading Schlopanesi. In the end Schlopanesi was rescued by Raphael and taken back to the real world, but he also gets to return to the House from time to time.

It's too bad Lee's prediction about the importance of the broken statue finger didn't come back in the end - I bet Lee will give Susanna a big talking-to about that when next they meet.

Schlop is a lot like Piranesi in that he lives on an endless bed and likes to watch birds and presumably divine secret messages from them.

Up next Lee and I are going to take a relaxing break after all that reading, and might start The Schlopless Sea after that.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

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Muffins are the key

Post by Muffins »

Gulliver has been reading The Schlopless Sea and muffins are playing a very important part in the book!

Zachary gets a book stolen from him when he goes to get a lemon muffin - not just any muffin but a quality muffin! (Dorian says a quality muffin is just a cupcake without frosting - but that is blasphemy!)

Then when Zachary finally gets to the Schlopless Sea he gets to order food from a magical kitchen and he gets three muffins of varying flavors including a gluten-free lemon poppy seed muffin. Wow!

I think muffins are clearly the key to whatever mystery is unfolding!
"You have no life... Writing about Smurfs... GO EAT A MUFFIN OR SOMETHING!"
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The key is pancakes

Post by DJ »

Muffins I think you are mistaken - pancakes are really the key to what is happening in the book. When Zachary tries on a sweater in the Schlopless Sea Inn there is this startling revelation:
He expects the sweater to smell like cedar but instead it smells faintly of pancakes.
This opens up a whole new world of mysteries - why does the sweater smell like pancakes? What kind of pancakes exactly? Did someone spill pancake crumbs on the sweater?
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Sail the Starless Sneech

Post by Gulliver »


Lee and I (and Nibs) finished reading The Starless Sneech. A lot happened in the end so I got a bit confuzzed but Lee was able to explain it all to me. Zachary got a key tattoo but then was accidentally killed by Dorian and then Zachary shrunk down to Nibs' size to go to a dollhouse with bees where he could dance with Mirabel who was also Max who was also Fate but then the sea of honey rose up and Zachary drowned but then was rescued by Eleanor and Dorian replaced his heart with Fate's heart which he got from the Innkeeper using a mouse and in the end Kat found a new door to a new Harbor by the Starless Sneech and the cycle will begin again. It was quite an adventure and a world to get lost in - but I don't think I would want to go to the Starless Sneech because I might get sticky paws.

Up next Lee and I might read another Sussana book or maybe a book about circles.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

Question: Who is Gulliver?
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