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Muffins check out, clear

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:57 am
by lee
Hey guys,

Don't worry. I haven't had any problems with muffins or muffinaches or anything. I find out my cholesterol results in a week or so, I'll keep you posted. If it is high... I'd blame the Schnitzel with Shnoodles before I'd blame the Muffins.

Shnitzel with who-dles?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:48 pm
by Shnoodles
What's this now? If you have high cholesterol, I'd say it's probably due to all the fake cake you tried to keep away from me. You probably ate too much of it and got too much cholesterol. Too bad.

ItSNOT fair

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:16 pm
by lee
Petri wrote: Also I help with runny noses.
Hey Petri

I have a runny nose. Can you help? What should I do? My nose hurts from all the kleenex.

Schlop tries to comfort me but my nose still runs. Any advice would be much appreciated.


Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:32 am
by Nibs
Hey guys.

Oh man... Lee talked to Mom today and she has a COMPUTER VIRUS. It's a weird one too.

Every time you type a name like SCHLOP it changes it to say placeCitySCHLOP. And then if you type a place like Beantown it changes it to say placecountry-regionBeantown.

So her emails look like this...

"I really hope we can finally send placeCitySCHLOP to placecountry-regionBeantown for grooming and finishing school."

So scary!!!

Do any of you bears cure computer viruses?

Easy does it

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 3:33 am
by PB
Hey Gulliver,

I hear you're having some elbow pain. I definitely know how much arm pain can suck, I've had a lot of shoulder troubles for a while.

I dont recommend trying BenGay- it tends to just make a mess and smell bad.

The sling might work. You could also try some minor stretches. Hot baths are good.

Hope that helps. Take care, bro.

Ouch my elbowm

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 3:36 pm
by Gulliver

Thanks for the advice PB. I think DJ must have rolled over my arm because it was bent funny when I woke up. But today it is doing better.

I hope your shoulder is okay.


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:05 am
by Sneeches

I hope your TUMMY feels better SOON.

Did you see the part where DJ can HEAL you if you RUB his FUR the right WAY???

Also maybe drinks some CHAMOMILE TEA. It has SOOTHING PROPERTIES.


Nibs did it!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:13 pm
by Snuffles
I just heard through the bear vine that Nibs stepped up big time when Lee had to get a whole bunch of shots for her upcoming trip to Haiti.

Lee got Typhoid, Hep A/B, Tetanus, and Chicken Pox vaccines. And Nibs helped for it all!

Three cheers for Nibs - hip hip HOORAY!