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Schlop's Wire

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:52 pm
by Gulliver

Lee sent me the DVD of the first season of Schlop's Wire. It was created by the guy who wrote Homicide which I read. I'm probably the only bear around here that could understand Schlop's Wire which is probably why Lee sent it to me. Once I watch it I can explain it to the other bears...

Starting out

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 3:12 am
by Sneeches

Me and NIBS started watching SCHLOPS WIRE tonight.

I was worried that it would be TOO SCARY and VIOLENT but so far its ok.

NIBS didnt think the first episode was very GOOD, but we watched a SECOND EPISODE and it started to get BETTER.

Have you watched it with GULLIVER yet?

I hope it doesnt get TOO SCARY. Wish we could watch it TOGETHER PEACHES!!