Board Games

Be it board, computer or outdoors....
Games help distract from doing chores
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Board Games

Post by DJ »

I know board games are a hot topic - that is for sure. Just the other day Petri was telling me about this game Plunder that he is hooked on and is going to play with Lee. Let's talk all about this kind of stuff in this thread, okay?
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Lee's gaming habits

Post by DJ »

Lee - I heard you played a game. True?

If so, let's hear about it.
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Arkham Horror

Post by lee »

Hey Djums,

I played this neat game called Arkham Horror

It's pretty cool- a lot like role playing only more structured. It's a cooperative game where you run around and try to defeat monsters in the city of Arkham and seal other worldly gates before the Ancient One is awakened. It's really tough and fun and interesting and there are a lot of cards so it feels like a choose-your-own-adventure... different things happen. It's pretty cool. I think you would enjoy it too, DJ.
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Is that so?

Post by DJ »

Well, thanks for sharing with us Lee. The next time you play a game, feel free to post about it without waiting for me to prompt you. As you know, good friends help out when asked, great friends help without being asked.

MiniNibs is telling me this game is based off of HP Lovecraft. True?
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Post by DJ »

Lee, I'm hearing that you played a game called RoboPancakes? Can you confirm this? If so, give us some info.
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flapjack robot

Post by lee »

Hey DJums

Sorry I've taken so long to get back to you.

Yeah... I did play a game called RoboPancakes. It's cool, you have to navigate your robot through a maze of pancakes and spikes and converyor belts... but other robots can push you off track and then your program gets all screwed up and you run your robot into a PANCAKE!! It's pretty fun. You should try it out if you get a chance.

There's some really great board game stores out here. I think San Francisco has more nerds than I ever knew existed!
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new board game

Post by lee »

Hi DJ!!!

Last night I played a cool boardgame called Bootleggers! I bought it a long time ago but it just sat in Denver. I finally brought it out here this summer and got to play it yesterday.

It's pretty cool. You play a mob boss in the 1920s during prohibition. You have to buy trucks, make booze, and sell it for the highest price at different speakeasies. But other mobsters are also trying to get in at the highest price and sometimes the cops bust a speakeasy or even your still. It was FUN. I bet you would've liked it.
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and a pair for two!

Post by Snuffles »

Hey Lee, thanks for coming to visit and playing cribbage with me! I thought we made a great team. I felt bad for Nibs so I let him win a couple of games because I know how he gets when he loses. Fun!
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Post by Petri »

What's up Lee?

Have you ever played the board game Samurai? Duddles and I have been playing it on the computer. It's pretty cool - Duddles is really good at collecting the rice and I like to collect the little buddhas. It was made by the same guy that made that one Lord of the Rings game.
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Schlopship Cataan

Post by mini-nibs »

Hey guys, Lee got us a cool new board game called Schlopship Cataan. Basically you get to fly this really cool ship around and fight space pirates while stocking up on food! It rocks!

Lee is better than me at the game since she has such a good memory but I am going to work on some memory exercises and try using the new memory pillow she bought us, so that when we play again I will have the tactical advantage.

Care for a little Nibs?
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Gaming at the library

Post by Snuffles »

The other week I went to the library and got to play some games!

I played some simple games like Tsuro and Ticket to Ride. Then I played a really fun one called Survive: Space Attack! There were alien monsters and lasers and spaceships and everything. Finally I played Lanterns which was more relaxing.

They had a raffle and I won a DNA game called Linkage. I haven't played it yet but Gulliver said he might play it with me soon.
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So proud of you

Post by Nibs »

I heard that the bears went to the Chess Hall of Fame and MiniNibs beat the Supercomputer Watson in 3 moves flat!

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Post by Snuffles »

Hey Nibs I played some cribbage recently and I have to say I was pretty much on fire. I heard you were also a pretty good player but I bet I could take you down.

I also heard you made up a rule called Nibs where you get an extra point if you spot a Jack. Where I'm from we call that cheating!
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Castles of the Mad King DJ

Post by DJ »


Lee came to visit me and we teamed up to build a castle. I was very good at making all the rooms fit together just perfectly, and even left a millimeter gap between a fence.

Our castle was so good that Schlop didn't even stand a chance. Schlop's castle also had a mold room so the less said about that the better.

Lee and I are probably the best castle building team ever.
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lotsa games!

Post by peaches »


There was lots of board games being played on my trip with Sneeches!

We played Clue a lot and Lee is the best deducer in the world! Also we played the Quest for El Dorado where you get to use a machete to trek through the jungles. We also played Cribbage, Scrabble, Codenames, and a bunch of Forbidden Island!
Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!
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