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When I grow up I want a pony

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:40 pm
by Shnoodles
Hey you guys.

Mini-nibs just showed me this video of a guy riding his horse in WoW... what do you guys think? ... ng+zepplin

Also, do you think Schlop should be called Schlopo the hobbit, since lots of the hobbits have names ending in 'O'? Like Bilbo and Frodo.

Have a good weekend you guys!

So many videos...

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:16 pm
by PB
Does MiniNibs do anything else BESIDES watching youtube?

Hi Guys!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:00 am
by peaches
Hi PB!!!

Mini-nibs is the greatest! He helped me when I was first learning how to use the computer to talk to Sneeches. Hi Sneeches!!!

I also like all the videos that mini-nibs finds! Maybe you would like mini-nibs to find a video that is on a subject you are interested in? What kinds of stuff are you most interested in? I'll bet he could find a ton of videos on it.


Hi hi hi

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:35 pm
by Sneeches

Thanks for saying hi.

What are you doing all the way over here in the computer gaming thread? I guess you're learning lots of different and exciting things over there hanging out with GULLIVER.

Lee told me she saw more of our relatives at a store yesterday. She said there were WHITE ones too that had fur like ours, but were all white. That kind of freaks me out... ALBINOS.

Anyway, hope you're having a good weekend. I miss you PEACHES!

Cool new game snuffles style

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:11 pm
by Snuffles
I just found a cool new game to play. It is made by 1 guy! He made it all in a flash... or in Flash... or something. I think it is like a combination of Lode Runner and Prince of Persia. You can even make your own levels. You play as a cool ninja and do lots of ninja stuff.


Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:36 pm
by Shnoodles
Hey you guys.

How cool is this? There is this game called Second Life that was made to be like the online world from Snowcrash - each user is allowed to make their own objects and animations and develop their own in-game programs. Well, this one lady spent a whole year building her own ecosystem!

She started out by making clouds that would travel along the wind that existed in the game. Then she made them rain, and made flowers that grew, and bees that pollinated the flowers, and birds and glow bugs! Then she just sits back and watches as her ecosystem grows and changes. Pretty cool, I say!

Here is an article about it:

What kind of stuff would you guys do in Second Life? Me - I would probably bake some awesome virtual brownies and then sell them to Nibs for a tidy profit!

Lee pwned a n00b

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:05 pm
by DJ
I heard that Lee played the computer game PancakeStrike with some of her co-workers. In this game Lee was part of a team that was trying to rescue the pancake ingredients from the terrorists, is that right Lee?


Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:23 am
by lee
Hey DJ

Yeah- this is true. I've been playing a lot of PancakeStrike lately.

Yesterday I freed the pancakes and won the round for my team TWICE!! It was very exciting.

But then I shot and killed one of my teammates...wah.

Oh well, at least I'm slowly learning the levels and finding out where the pancakes are and how to save them.

It's fun to play games again!! Maybe you can come over and we can play some PancakeStrike together sometime.

Actually... a lot of the people who play with us play remotely. I wonder if Dave's computer could play too... since it's an old game and doesn't need advnaced graphics and all. Other people's brothers play who aren't part of the company. Hm....

give up, pancakes!

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:10 pm
by lee
Hey DJums

One day at work they put PancakeStrike on the big new plasma screen we were testing (which happened to be next to my desk in the corner) and I pretended to hold the gun... my coworker sent me this picture.... it's pretty cool....



Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:33 pm
by Shnoodles
Hey you LOTR MMORPGers,

The free beta version of the LOTR game is now available for sign-up. Does this mean we will soon see Nibli, Sneechomir and Schlopo Baggins out on the plains of Gondor?


Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:29 pm
by Shnoodles
Hey you computer gamers,

Lately I've become addicted to this Dice game called SchlopDice. It is like Risk but you play with Dice and also there are Schlops... I think. Here is a page showing my profile for the game!

If you want to try it just go to this page:

My name

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:46 am
by Shnoodles
Hey you SchlopDice guys,

I was playing SchlopDice... and people starting talking about how much they liked my name!
AGoose: shnoodles. I like that name
monocle barbie: shnoodles
monocle barbie: shnoodles
monocle barbie: shnoodles
monocle barbie: that's fun to say: shnoodles
monocle barbie: say it
monocle barbie: shnoodles
Shnoodles: shnoodles
Maestrokneer: shnoodles
monocle barbie: fun huh?
Maestrokneer:'re right
Shnoodles: yeah!
monocle barbie: lol
Maestrokneer: schoodlicious!
monocle barbie: oodles of shnoodles with noodles
ak777 is here
Maestrokneer: poodles eating oodles of schnoodle's noodles
Atricaudatus is here
AGoose: TWas once a person named shnoodles. who ate a lot of noodles, One day he decided to grow a caroot, and then some beatroot
monocle barbie: poodles eating oodles of schnoodle's noodles, typing googles
oracle is here
monocle barbie: making doodles!

hoo hoo

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:00 pm
by lee
Making Doodles!!!

Good job Shnood... way to make so many friends!!!

Hoo Hoo....Doodles....hoo hoo

Clickity Click

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:32 pm
by DJ
I'm sure everyone remembers my pancake heroics on Minesweeper... well I just found a new game that is like Soduku-Minesweeper-pancakes... it is called Nurikabe... Try it out here:

I completed a 9x9 version of the game!


Dj rocks

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:59 pm
by lee
Ooohh... I really like the Nurikabe!!

I did a bunch of the 5x5 ones. And I got the 9x9 one in 2:31 (with a few work interruptions)

Very cool!! Good find Djums