Schlop Appreciation Day

This forum focuses on how cool Schlop is and other subtopics as such.
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Hugs & Grapes

Post by DJ »

I was told today was Schlop Appreciation Day. I am not sure who Schlop bribed to get a whole day for appreciation.

But I appreciate how Schlop is able to send so many remote hugs to those in need. He sure has sent a lot of hugs recently.

Also I appreciate that Schlop appreciates self-replenishing foodstuffs like the bowl of neverending grapes in Sandy Eggos. I think that will help do a lot for the future of sustainable snacking.
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Sending our hugs to Schlop

Post by Snuffles »

Hi everyone, I know we are well past the official Schlop Appreciation Day but I just wanted to send supportive hugs of support to Schlop who is dealing with some difficult times with a mouse that is disrupting his sleep and everything. Hopefully this mouse situation will soon be resolved and sleep schedules will return to normal. In the meantime us Saint Louis bears will be sending many hugs Schlop's way!
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Schlop Day

Post by Muffins »

Today is Schlopreciation day but I heard Lee was in Mexico and Gulliver was in Encinitas so I decided to post for this year. I hope Schlop is having a good day. I appreciate his softness and his fuzziness, it gives me something to aspire to, fur-wise.
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bear of many blankets

Post by Snuffles »

Happy Schlop Appreciation 2018 y'all!

This year Schlop is in Encinitas with Peaches and Sneeches!

Unfortunately the first night was quite cold and even Schlop couldn't generate enough heat to warm Lee. But luckily Schlop was able to acquire six blankets for the second night which is only one less than his usual blanket quota.

We all appreciate that Schlop is able to gather so many blankets and has such a fine blanket collection!
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Post by Schlop »

Meep Mop Moop
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Post by Shnoodles »

Hey you Schlop Appreciators,

Whoops - turns out with all the excitement over the Snuper Bowl - we totally missed that it was Schlop Appreciation day on Monday!

Anyshnood, we appreciate that Schlop was able to help give some healing hugs to those that were feeling not so fuzzy on Super Bowl Sunday. Luckily Schlop was also to check out the game in his pillow case - Jawa style!
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Schlop 2020!

Post by Snuffles »

All us bears are sending appreciatory hugs Schlop's way on this very special day!

Schlop is currently helping Lee recover from sniffles by the ancient healing ritual known as megasleeps!
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Post by Duddles »


I appreciate Schlop letting so many bears stay in his giant bed with the soft sherpa fleece. I even found Petri here! Schlop puts up with all of us bears even though we sometimes take up a lot of the covers.

Pats to Schlop!

Hoo hoo
Where's Petri?
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Warm hugs

Post by Petri »

Happy Schlop Appreciation Day everybody!

I appreciate how Schlop gives so many warm hugs - there is nothing better than a warm Schlop hug on a cold day!
Duddles' deeds be done.
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2023 Schlop appreciation

Post by Muffins »

Happy 2023 Schlop Appreciation Day everyone!

I appreciate how Schlop is able to retain heat even on cold days - it is something I aspire to myself! I wonder what his secret is...
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Schlop Appreciation 2024

Post by Gulliver »


I appreciate that Schlop has these great forums where us bears can congregate and discuss important topics like the books Lee and I are reading and how Hrathen gave Sarene a potion that turned her into an Elantrian and now she might get to meet Raoden.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"

Question: Who is Gulliver?
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Schlop's ok

Post by PB »

I know everyone thinks I'm gonna diss Schlop - but for real I have to say it's cool he lets me crash in the attic no cap. And that he didn't narc on me the other day when he caught me nabbing a piece of pumpkin pie.
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