What are you listening to?

It's about time we have a music section on these forums. We can't hold out any longer. Even if certain people don't have certain hardware required to hear sound....
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What are you listening to?

Post by Snuffles »

I think this forum needs a thread where we can just talk about whatever song we are jamming out to at the moment!

Currently I have Tay-Tay's new song stuck in my head - it's the song of the summer! And it's no wonder with lyrics like this:
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me—
It really makes you wonder... what she did!
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Post by Shnoodles »

Hey you music guys,

Snuffles you are wrong because Despasneecho is the real song of the summer by far, and there is even a remix with lyrics which are all about science. Lee is usually on the forefront of new trends but she was unaware of Despasneecho until now - whoa!

In the SHNOOD!
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Not the Schlop

Post by Snuffles »

I liked this song that was performed last week on Colbert - it is called Not by the band Big Thief:


I watched it a couple of times and then I looked at the lyrics:
Nor the bed that is haunted
With the blanket of thirst
Did you guys know beds can be haunted? Do you think the malm might be haunted? And what is a blanket of thirst? Do you think that is why Schlop is always thirsty when he had a dream last night? And why Lee is always bringing him glasses of water near the malm?

So many questions!
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10 minute opus

Post by Snuffles »

Four years ago I was jamming out to Tay-Tay - and I guess not much has changed because I am still listening to Tay-Tay! She just released a re-recording of Red and it includes a 10 minute version of "All too well" that is quite epic. She also directed a 15 minute film based on the song - is there anything she can't do?

Here she is performing the song on SNL last week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJr_8l0AEWE
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Aurora Bear-ealis

Post by Snuffles »

We all know Aurora for her ethereal singing in Frozen 2 - but recently us bears have been jamming out to her new album called The Schlops We Can Touch.

I have to say all of the songs are great!
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Schlop needs a hero

Post by Snuffles »

Everyone knows us bears are major influencers and trend-setters - we helped start the Wordle craze and then the Jackie and Shadow Bald Eagle nest cam mania. And now it is happening musically!

Peaches and Sneeches have been super into Holding out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler ever since it was featured in Loki season 1 - and now it is popping up in almost every movie coming out! It is currently featured in the new Super Mario movie, and has also been in Tetris the Movie and Shazam 2 recently. There was also a cool Japanese cover of it used in Bullet Train last year.

I wonder what bear trend will sweep the globe next?
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Fuzz Fuzz Fuzzin!

Post by Nibs »

Hi Gulliver,

Lee and I discovered this song from an old 1960s musical we had never known about called "Jack and the Beanstalk."

The song is "Half past April and a Quarter to May" but the second verse (linked here) seemed very relevant to our bears:


We watched some later clips from the movie and Gene Kelly does some really impressive dancing with animated characters- this movie was ahead of its time!

Thought you'd enjoy this!

Nibs out.
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Schlop: The Prize-Winning Bear

Post by Nibs »


Oh my hoo hoo, I am so so late to post this post which I've been thinking about posting for many moons.

Sometime during the dark depths of the Pandemic, Lee and I found this band on Nibstagram that we thought was pretty funny called The Toxhards. They are some guys from LA who are actually quite smart but put together a theatrical-silly-metal band and play sort of classic rock (they cover Pink Floyd and once did Rocky Raccoon and some of the other bands from the 60s and such) and sort of metal type songs (lots of guitar riffs) and they always had funny posts and this is their main ballad and this is their silly music video for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZFz8_5Gh1k

Me and Lee didn't think much of this, but then in April we saw that they were touring and coming to San Franibsco so we thought it'd be fun to go see their show and we asked our friend Lisa who is always game for anything to come with us at a venue near the Zuckerberg-Chan Medical Center. We thought it might be super weird and were prepared to leave early.

To our surprise we got to interact with the main lead musician guys before the show and they were very nice and kind and appreciative that we had come! (https://www.instagram.com/p/C6OBAiFuuuO/?img_index=1) Then they proceeded to do a truly amazing show... it reminded us of the early days of The Dresden Dolls, when they really put their heart into it all and had lots of funny theatrical and interactive bits (at one point they walked around the crowd giving out cups of coffee for this Coffee Song they have and they also had costumes and sketches and video production parts) and it was a really really fun night, much to our surprise. I'd been meaning to post about this forever and never got around to it.

ANYSNEECH... it turns out they are now on a tour of the South and they are actually playing in St Louis next week, pretty close to where Muffins lives, so Lee and I are going to go see them on Thursday night, hoo hoo. We assumed the other bears wouldn't be into that kind of thing since it's pretty loud and late at night but let us know if we are wrong and other bears are welcome to join.

Hoo hoo, kind of the opposite of our usual Jessica Vosk plotlines but hopefully a fun adventure nonetheless!
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Kishi Schlopi

Post by Snuffles »

I had never heard of the artist Kishi Bashi before but then heard him recommended by Victoria who is the Jeopardy great that took down James in last year's Masters tournament. I figured if Victoria is smarter than James then she must have pretty good taste in music, so I checked out his song Manchester: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBctONb102o

I think it is pretty good! I then read the lyrics and it seems to be about him writing a novel about a very rare bird, so I figured Schlop might be interested in checking it out.

Also apparently this song plays at the end of the movie Alpinist which us bears watched a few years ago - so that is cool too.

Cool beans!
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House of the Rising Schlop

Post by Snuffles »

At the Snuper Bowl they had special guest star Trombone Shorty perform on America the Beautiful. As someone who is also vertically challenged, I can really relate to Trombone Shorty. He also plays on this great of version of the House of the Rising Schlop along with Jon Batiste and Mumford & Sons:


Lee knows this song down pat - it's a shame Mumford didn't invite her to also play on it
- the Thong Song
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