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Very popular like Lee

Post by Gulliver »

Hi. Today is Lee's birthday which is a day for all bears to celebrate. I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason bringing something we must learn. Well, Lee has brought so much goodness into my life like introducing me to the best musical Wicked. This year the movie came out (Part 1) which Lee saw and then told me all about - and I am going to watch it on streaming very soon. Lee also came all the way to see some Muny shows with me like Les Mis and the Little Mermaid but unfortunately I had an unfuzzy day which caused us to miss Jessica Vosk in Waitress. Lee also shares all of the best Nibstagram posts with me and a lot of them are Wicked related.

So yeah, Lee is pretty much the coolest!
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Duddles likes Lee

Post by Duddles »


I am so happy that Lee takes good care of me and I get to live in a cozy cabin in the forest where my squirtle friends and deer friends come by to say hi through the windows. Lee and I also like to watch Pocahontas at night but we usually fall asleep before we get very far - but that is okay hoo hoo.

Lee has given me so many good memories over the years!
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Lee 4eva!

Post by peaches »

Lee is the best because she brings Sneeches to visit so much and then this year she even let Sneeches stay with me for a very long time and I was so happy! She also lets Sneeches and I chat each week on zoom and do sneechwords and I get to show the marshmallow card that Sneeches got me!

Happy birthday, Lee!
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Mittens for Muffins

Post by Muffins »

Lee is so nice and generous she got us bears some mittens and a scarf and a hat and a fleece for the winter to keep us warm.

I love the mittens!
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fun games with Lee

Post by mini-nibs »

Happy birthday, Lee!

I'm still so excited about Wingspan which Lee got us for the holidays and was so fun to play. Lee also helped us solve the most tricky puzzles in the New York Times mega puzzle section.

Lee is so smart!
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