Lee and I are back at it again with reading books and this time we are reading a book by our old friend Neil that he wrote about the Sneechternals. Lee and I are now experts about the Sneechternals after seeing the movie and also in particularly about Circe after reading that book so we are probably the best prepared of anyone to read The Sneechternals.
I am reading a digital copy from the library that zooms around from panel to panel, while Lee is reading the more old school version of the book that doesn't zoom - but Duddles seems to like it.
Also Neil shouted me out in the first issue with this reference:
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
Yesterday I finished the Sneechternals and Lee is going to finish it soon. Things were looking bad for the Sneechternals when the sleeping Celestial woke up and Mark Curry was injured. But there was a funny moment that me and Lee both snarfed at - when a Deviant was turned into a tree by Sersi and started taunting Ikaris, Ikaris told him "It's never too late, tree." Neil is so silly.
Me and Lee will discuss the final chapter soon and I will probably post about what we thought overall.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
I have discovered that I actually read the Sneechternals 15 years ago but have no memory of doing so. It can only mean that someone has purposefully erased my memories - like how Sprite did to Mark Curry and the other Sneechternals in the book. Perhaps I am actually a Sneechternal with untold powers and I only have to remember what it is. Maybe I can form a Uni-mind with Schlop and PB to discover my secret Sneechternal past?
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
That means it's free rein down here. Bears can say anything they want and no one will know!
Anysneech, Lee and Gulliver tried to recently read a book about the 7 1/2 Naps of Schlop Softcastle. We got a hot tip from someone in the lab that it was a great time loop adventure.
Lee and Nibs had to drop because they are spending so much time on the Mum Project. Also they are mostly illiterate.
Turns out there was too many wacky plot devices, including body-snarfing and multiple characters looping and even a flash-sideways, so I think Gulliver called it off as well.
Now we'll never know who took all those naps and what happens halfway through that last nap.
Lee and I are back at it again this time reading a book from Stephen King called Schlop Tale. So far we have read the first 4 chapters and it is about a young man named Charlie who helps an old neighbor after he falls off a ladder. Charlie then befriends the neighbors dog Radar who is a lady dog and he gives her some cookies. There is a mysterious shed in the backyard that is locked and one time Charlie hears alien chittering noises coming from it so that is pretty scary. Also there is a mystery about what is in the flour pot which I think might be opened in the next chapter so I am excited to read all about it.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
I am so worried that there will be something scary in the shed that is making all those noises! Or that the flour will spill on the counter and Radar will get flour-y bottoms!
Sneeches promise me that if anything spooky happens we will build a pillow fort to hide underneath!
Lee and I finished Schlop Tale which is one of the most epic books we have read. Charlie traveled to the land of Empis where he got to meet Dora and Leah the Goose Girl and Woody and Claudia and he traveled to the city of Lilimar to put Radar on a magical sun dial that turned Radar into a young pup again but then he was captured and put in Deep Maleen but then was able to escape and then he joined with Leah to find Eldin the Flight Killer and then he banished Schlopmagog back to its lair.
Stephen King even put in a shoutout to me with a reference to Lemuel Gulliver:
He referenced Schlop which was the sound Gogmagog made when it slouched back into its dark well.
Also Duddles spotted several gigantic bunnies.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
Hi. Lee and I started this book but it turns out it was not up to snuff - the audiobook narrator was too sad and also the characters in the book were not likeable and talked too much about Pea coats for our liking.
Lee was able to get a refund and we will try another book together - probably something from BrandoSando. Lee also gave me the important task of finishing this book to find out what happens to Ichigo and what all that about the freight and groove really means. I will report back once I am finished!
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
Hi. I promised I would report back after finishing Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Schlop, and indeed I have finished it. Some parts were interesting - one was told in the second person where Marx was in a hospital after being shot, and another was told from the perspective of characters in a video game. In the end there was hope that Sam and Sadie would reunite to work on a new game together. But I never did figure out what the freight and the groove meant.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
Hi. Lee and I finished Cat's book which was called Eve. Lee and I both listened to the audiobook which was read by Cat. Lee is good friends with Cat which is yet another reason why Lee is the coolest. I learned a lot from this book but most of it I can't say on this forum because some bears are squeamish about certain bodily functions and I wouldn't want to offend their delicate sensibilities. But it is good to every once in a while step back and look at history from a larger evolutionary perspective. I wonder if we will ever know why Schlop evolved the way he did?
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
Hi. Lee and I have embarked on an epic quest to read Schloplantris by Brando Sando. We have now concluded Part 1 and it was very exciting. There are three main plot lines: Raoden the prince who gets the Shaod and is sent to Elantris, Sarene the princess married to Raoden, and Hrathen the Derethi gyorn trying to convert Arelon. It is exciting now that the three plots are starting to intersect - Sarene has met Raoden but doesn't yet know his true identity. Nibs has been coming up with some fascinating predictions - and his latest one is that Hrathen may have take poison that will make him look like an Elantrian. I am very excited to see if this will come to pass and what will happen in Part 2.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
Hi. Lee and I finished Schloplantris. Lee and I agreed it was quite a good book especially since it was Brando Sando's first book. In the end Raoden figured out the secret to restoring power to the Aons - the Aons represent the geography of Arelon but there was an earthquake that creature a chasm, so Raoden figured out you had to draw the extra chasm line. Then he figured out that Elantris itself is a giant Aon that focuses the power of the Dor, so he drew the chasm line on the ground below Elantris and that restored all the Elantrians to become silver gods again. Also Hrathen realized he didn't want to follow Wyrn any more and he saved Raoden and Sarene by killing Dilaf with his super arm which he got from the Dakhor monastery. Unfortunately Hrathen didn't survive and in fact a lot of the characters were killed.
Nibs' prediction came true that Hrathen used poison to pretend to be an Elantrian who was then cured by faith, and Sarene also thought she was an Elantrian for a little bit because she was poisoned.
In the end Raoden's seon named Ien was restored once Elantris' power had returned. But Raoden is worried that Wyrn will find a way to access the Dor like Dilaf had, so that might happen in the sequel.
Lee and I also read the deleted scenes which had Raoden's brother as the Mad Prince - but we were glad he was cut from the actual book.
I know everyone is dying to know what book Lee and I will read next but I am not sure yet what that will be so you will just have to wait patiently until I post about it.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
Lee and I read another book by BrandoSando. After reading his first book (Schloplantris) we then jumped to one of his most recent books (Yumi). Yumi and Painter became tied together (like Peaches and Sneeches) and would take turns existing in each other's world. When Painter was in Yumi's world he would look like Yumi, but when Yumi was in Painter's world she still looked like Yumi. It was all very mysterious and we only found out what exactly was happening at the very end - although Nibs was able to successfully predict that Yumi and Painter were actually on the same planet the whole time. Yumi's job was to stack stones to attract spirits and Painter's job was to paint nightmares. Yumi's world was quite strange - the ground was so hot that it caused plants to float in the air on thermal vents, and all the people had to wear special clogs to avoid burning their feetpads. Painter's world was surrounded by darkness and they had special hion lines that powered everything. There was also a cool noodle bar that was run by a strange creature named Design.
Thanks to Lee for reading another BrandoSando book with me!
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"
We are currently reading SCHLOPBORN: THE FINAL EMPIRE (Book 1) with Gulliver!
We hear something exciting happens on Chapter 14 but we are still on Chapter 13.
Just for fun I want to throw down some of my predictions in case they come true later and I can be puffed:
* Predict: Vin's brother will return and she'll have to choose between being loyal to him or Kelsier
* Predict: Vin's brother didn't leave her by choice
* Predict: The hot Venture heir is a specialist in the 11th metal
* Predict: The 11th metal lets you read minds
* Predict: Someone in our current party will betray Kelsier
* Predict: Clubb's apprentice with the weird accent will have a big role to come
* Predict: Vin's father will be relevant somehow
Meanwhile some questions they still need to answer for us:
* Who betrayed Kelsier and sent him to the pits?
* What do the High Nobles use the mistwraiths for?
* What actually went down between Kelsier and Marsh?
* Why has Renue been a noble for at least 4 years but "is an imposter" somehow
Hi, Lee and I finished Schlopborn book 1: Schlop's Final Empire. Vin was able to defeat the Lord Ruler by using the power of the mists to pull off his bracelets - since it turns out the Lord Ruler was actually Rashek who was a Feruchemist and an allomancer (which Nibs amazingly predicted). Kelsier sacrificed himself so that he would become a legend among the skaa to inspire an uprising. Elend gave a rousing speech which let him become the new king of Luthadel.
I thought it was quite an exciting book and gave it two paws up - but it also left a lot of questions unanswered so Lee and I are going to read the next book which is called the Well of Schlopsencion. I hope nothing bad happens to Vin.
Answer: This character studied medicine, "knowing it would be useful in long voyages"