NYTimes Mini

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Triple Crown!

Post by Nibs »

There were murmurings that this elusive accomplishment was about to be claimed, but no one knew for certain.

Since the creation of the Daily Mini ritual back in 2017, five years had passed with this achievement remaining untouched.

Once in a while, a champion would score below 0:20 and in some celebrated cases even below 0:10. But no champion had yet to attempt the long sought after feat of getting below 0:20 three days in a row!

Until now!

MiniNibs has done the unthinkable here at the end of Schloptober with the following:

October 26: 0:14
October 27: 0:19
October 28: 0:16

It has finally happened and we bestow upon MiniNibs this elusive TRIPLE CROWN TROPHY*!


Some say this is only the beginning of what might turn into entire streaks below 0:20 in the future.

Others say that MiniNibs, who has had 17 finishes under 0:20 in the last two months (the most in any two month period) has unlocked a new skill level in himself and will never look back now. It's as though he's found his elusive two-plane swing**.

Yet others (mostly PB) says perhaps the timer on MiniNibs' computer is just a little slow these days.

Only time will tell which records MiniNibs will topple next, but we are here for a standing ovation of fuzzy applause in the meantime! Huzzah!

* The actual Triple Crown Trophy has 3 faces, each inscribed with the results of the 3 horse races, but we didn't have time to photoschlop this because all efforts are going towards Schlop's Dune pillow post at the moment.

** It's a golf thing! Only the greats can migrate from a 3 plane swing to a 2 plane one.
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Wordle up

Post by mini-nibs »

Recently us bears discoverd a new word game called Wordle!

It is kinda like Mastermind but with words (ask Duddles if you don't get the ref).

Bears have only been playing for 3 days but already Nibs has set the record by solving a wordle in just 3 guesses
Nibs went from STEAM to LATCH to BATON - amazing!

Nibs is a wordle wizard!
Care for a little Nibs?
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Wordling Wonder

Post by mini-nibs »

Yesterday Nibs astonished the wordling world by solving the wordle in just two guesses - a feat many of us bears thought impossible!

Rumor has it that Nibs has jacked into the wordle matrix and can now decipher wordles without even looking - and he also knows kung-fu!

Congrats on the amazing achievement Nibs! Here is a certificate to commemorate the event. Hopefully your McFlurry will arrive soon.

Care for a little Nibs?
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The Hero We Deserve

Post by Nibs »

Every story has a hero.
Every hero has a destiny.
Every saga has an end.

It is with great humility and respect that I pass on the new CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY OF WORDLE to a new amazing competitor!


That's right!

MiniNibs has toppled my record with TWO times where he immediately intuited what Mr Wardle had in mind with just 2 guesses!

January 12, 2022
MiniNibs began with VALET.
Some said it was risky to throw a V so early on. Others thought this was a brilliant move.
All were forced to agree this was agility at its finest when the second word pinned down the winner.
Astounding!! The bear community was in awe.
In many ways, this victory is much more impressive than the Dec 26 one because here MiniNibs had only two correct letters to go from, whereas back then I had three.
All the bears were so pleasantly astounded that this could happen!

Then before the dust settled, MiniNibs slid in again with another TWO-FER:

January 19, 2022
Our sources have not yet confirmed what the starting guess word was.
But we do know it only had ONE correct letter in the correct spot: An O in the second spot.
Then masterfully, as though it took no effort at all, MiniNibs drove home the winning answer.
The audacity of jumping from 1 to 5 correct letters baffled all the bookies and set a new bar for the excellence that can be achieved in this emerging frontier of World Champion Wordle Competitions.

I can't wait to see where MiniNibs takes things from here! He truly is a gifted talent the likes of which we have never before seen!

Could he one day accomplish the one-shot dream that many deem impossible? Only time will tell!
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When no one was looking

Post by Nibs »

All bears were consumed
By the new fancy trend
Busy with Wordle
Engaged til the end

In cover of night
He embarked on a quest
No fanfare or pomp
Just a moment of rest

Then fast as a viper
He struck at the keys
The record was broken
With the greatest of ease

It was done in a jiff
And the tab was then closed
A normal day followed
One might never have known

That the record had stood
For 1266 days
3 years and 5 months plus
17 sunset rays

His humble demeanor
His retiring gait
How could anyone guess
He did it in EIGHT


January 31, 2022
NYTimes Mini Crossword
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Post by mini-nibs »

Hey y'all. I'm not usually one to toot my own horn (as Nibs poetically put it I have a "humble demeanor") but I have to share that I got a new mini record of 6 seconds today, and then also got my second every Queen Bee. What a day!


Care for a little Nibs?
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Post by Sneeches »

Wow wow wow.

Tonight me and PEACHES set a new RECORD for fastest SUNDAY SNEECHWORD together!

We got it in 19:08 and we weren't even RUSHING!

The theme was SCHLOPSGIVING FOODSTUFFS which is a category that me and PEACHES know very well because we have cooked so many Schlopsgivings together!

PEACHES really carried the VICTORY by knowing most every clue, especially the themed ones like TALK TURKEY and GRAVY TRAIN and also words I've never heard of like MANSE, but I helped by knowing about GERMAN CANDY (from Nibs) and how to spell TWEEZE and of course all that knowledge I gained from my PRE-REHAB DAYS.

This was very refreshing after our RED ADAIR / SOBA debacle which took us 1:13:58 last Sunday.

Hopefully PEACHES will keep letting me help on BONUS SNEECHWORDS from time to time!
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I helped!

Post by Duddles »

I remembered Kokomo hoo hoo
Where's Petri?
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Queen Bee for the day

Post by mini-nibs »

Hey yall, not to get all braggadocious but I am happy to report I got another Queen Bee today - this time I found all 40 words! The last word that I found was LINGUINI.

Care for a little Nibs?
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Fuzzy Connections

Post by Nibs »

The new game in town that us bears are into is Connections in the NYTimes.

We made one for the St Louis bears to try out! (Feel free to email us your guesses and we will reply as the game would...)

GlaringxxxxxCoversxxxxxxxxPears xxxxxxSheets
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Easy as PEACH pie

Post by Nibs »

Wow, the St Louis bears dominated that without a single mistake:

🟨🟨🟨🟨 Things on a Bed: Pillows, Blankets, Sheets, Covers
🟩🟩🟩🟩 Fruits: Pears, Plums, Strawberries, Peaches
🟦🟦🟦🟦 Bears that are Pink: Schlop, Duddles, DJ, Sneeches
πŸŸͺπŸŸͺπŸŸͺπŸŸͺ Traits of Schlop: Warm, Fuzzy, Soft, Glaring

Very impressive!
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Nibs rocks!

Post by mini-nibs »

Nibs made such a cool Connections puzzle for us, so we tried to make one for him! It ended up being a little harder than I realized but Nibs was still able to power through and solve it!
Care for a little Nibs?
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more connections

Post by mini-nibs »

Nibs has started a connections craze - the Forest bears and City bears teamed up to make this puzzle for the relatives - we were worried it would be too hard but they solved it in no time!
Care for a little Nibs?
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The Archivist

Post by Nibs »


It's hard to keep up with all the new Connections puzzles the bears are making.

To keep things organized, I made this ARCHIVE where we can add puzzles and see them all in an easy manner, without digging through 100 email long threads, hoo hoo.

Enjoy and keep making Connections!
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Queen Bee

Post by mini-nibs »

I got another Queen Bee today!
Shout out to Ash who is an honorary Kiwi!
Care for a little Nibs?
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