New albums

It's about time we have a music section on these forums. We can't hold out any longer. Even if certain people don't have certain hardware required to hear sound....
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New albums

Post by Nibs »

Hi there! Ok, so maybe I've spent too much time reading Entertainment magazines with Lee today...

But did you know Alison Krauss has a new album coming out this month? I wonder what the St Louis bears think about that!
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Silly Nibs

Post by Muffins »

Geez Nibs, that album came out in 2007... that is like 8 years ago! Hardly new. Get with the times!

Anyways, I heard Gulliver went to wait in line for 5 hours to get a new GooGoo Dolls CD.

Oh, I just found where he is keeping it. Hmmm... it seems a bit big for the CD player. Maybe I can trim it down with these scissors...
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Gold star for Gulliver!

Post by lee »


I can't thank you enough!! A 5 am start and a 5 hour wait!! It's unheard of in al the bear history!! It's more than a Neil event line!!

I am SOOO excited you got the DD album! And the other albums! Grizzly Bear is so great! And Mumford! And NPH!!!!!

Amanda posted a cool article explaining how the record company still owns the rights to all DD albums and its just this one intrepid lady who made it possible to release that vinyl. So cool!

Gulliver is a bear hero!!!!!!
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So exciting!!!

Post by Nibs »

Yeah Gulliver is the coolest!!!

That's so neat you discovered the music subculture. Do you think you'd want to ever get a record player?

Schlop was really excited about that M&M cookie. He is bummed that maple bacon donuts don't live up to the hype though.

How long was the line when the doors opened?

Where was the hidden record? Just in a stack of other records?
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Heeeey Brother

Post by PB »

I guess this is alright but really I was hoping for that Avicii album....
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Beware the pokey bits

Post by Sneeches »


You looked so FUZZY in that record PICTURE!!!!

I hope none of the SHARP EDGES of those records POKE you!! Be careful PEACHES since your fur is so SOFT!!

I am hoping to make a stack of those RECORDS to sleep on TOP OF. I better do it soon before they gather DUST and then I'd get DUSTY SIDE BOTTOMS.

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Schlop's new jam

Post by Snuffles »

I heard Schlop made some new friends and got a gift which was a burned CD of Loreena McKennitt!

She seems pretty cool... kinda like Enya with red hair!
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Schlop album drop

Post by Snuffles »

Hmm - weird there hasn't been any new albums since 2015... there must be a lull in the music industry.

But not anymore - I heard that Schlop is dropping a hot new album in collab with Sneeches - or should I say MC Snarfs-alot!

This album is gonna be fire, y'all!

- the Thong Song
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